Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So...I did finish my sweater on saturday! Well, I didn't do it all myself. The seams were ok, but the sleeves not so much. I now call them The Sleeves from Hell. Luckily my mum came to the rescue and all is well ;)

Monday, February 20, 2012

In the woods I go

Here's a picture of me in our local park on Sunday. Before the snow storm of course :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

In pieces

Here it is! My sweater is finished. But I still need to put it together. That's not going to be easy!!! Hopefully there is going to be a real finished picture soon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Let's go out?!

It's freezing (-15 Celsius!) here, so the last thing on my mind is going out. However spring is around the corner (well it is in my mind). So I begin to think of lovely party's and concerts. One of my favourite party makers are the Radio Modern team. I've been to a lot of their party's over the last three years and always had fun! In a little less than a month they will be at the Roma in Borgerhout with Si Cranstoun. And of course with me ;) I'll include a picture at their latest party in December (also in the Roma).